Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi
Japon Dili Eğitimi



The Japanese Language Teaching  (JLT) Department was established in 1993 with the initiative and contributions of Prof. Dr. A. Mete TUNCOKU, who is also the Founding Rector of the Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University (COMU). Considering that Japanese will start to be taught as an elective second foreign language in secondary education institutions, JLT Department started its educational activities within Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University Faculty of Education in order to train qualified human resources to teach Japanese. Prince Takahito MIKASANOMİYA and his wife from the Imperial Family of Japan and the Japanese Ambassador to Ankara and his wife attended the establishment ceremony of the Department.

The Department is the first and only higher education institution in Turkey, and one of the first departments in Europe, Africa, and the Middle East to train Japanese Language Teachers within the Faculty of Education. JLT Department, which started its education and training activities with 3 Japanese national lecturers and 18 students at the time of its establishment, currently has 1 Associate Professor, 3 Assistant Professors, 4 lecturers, and approximately 220 students. Since half of the are Japanese nationals and all of the Turkish lecturers have earned their M.A. or M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in Japan, the majority of the courses are conducted in Japanese.

Our Aim

Our department was established with the aim of training qualified lecturers who have a good command of the Japanese language to develop Turkish-Japanese relations in the field of education and culture and to expand it to a wide audience. 
In this regard, training qualified lecturers who can provide Japanese Language Education in secondary education institutions, and training qualified human resources who can operate in Japanese companies in various sectors are defined as the two main aims of the program. The aim of the program is not only to provide students with the ability to use the Japanese language in an effective, superior and fluent manner, but also to provide our students with extensive knowledge and cultural background in subjects such as language education, society, literature, history, and to train sociable, conscious and qualified personnel who can operate in cultural, social and commercial fields outside the field of education. 

Moreover, technical details regarding the curriculum and program are as follows: 
This program was established by Prof. Dr. Mete TUNCOKU in 1993 and started in the 1993-1994 academic year.

Qualification Awarded: Students who successfully complete the program are awarded the degree of Bachelor of Arts in Japanese Language Teaching. 

Level of Qualification: This is a First Cycle (Bachelor’s Degree) program.

Specific Admission Requirements: Admission of national students to the JAPANESE LANGUAGE TEACHER EDUCATION program is contingent on success in the nationally centralized Student Selection Examination (YGS and LYS) conducted by the Student Selection and Placement Centre (OSYM). For further information please visit General Admission Requirements and Registration Procedures in the menu items of the Information on the Institution and the Examination, Selection & Placement Centre (OSYM). Admission of foreign students is possible through an evaluation of students’ individual applications to the university. For further and detailed information please visit General Admission Requirements and Registration Procedures in the menu items of the Information on the Institution.

Specific Arrangements For Recognition of Prior Learning: At Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University, full-time students can be exempted from some courses within the framework of the related bylaws. If the content of the course previously taken in another institution is equivalent to the course offered at Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University, then the student can be exempted from this course with the approval of the related faculty/graduate school after the evaluation of the course content.
Qualification Requirements and Regulations: In order to graduate from this undergraduate program, the students are required; * to succeed in all of the courses listed in the curriculum of the program by getting a grade of at least DD/S with a minimum of 240 ECTS. * to have a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 2.00 out of 4.00.

Profile of The Programme: Undergraduate (Bachelor's Degree) program in Japanese Language Teacher Education (First Cycle in QF-EHEA and 6th level in TYYÇ ) is an academically-oriented program giving access to degree and non-degree research programs and professional practice demanding high levels of knowledge and skills. 
The classification of the program with respect to "ISCED (The International Standard Classification of Education) 2011" and "NQF-HETR (The Turkish Qualifications Framework for HE)" and the codes of the fields of education can be listed as follows: 
1) ISCED Field of Education: 14 - Teacher Training and Educational Sciences.  
2) ISCED 2011 Level: 6, Orientation (Profile): 64, Subcategory: 645 - Academically-oriented "first cycle", bachelor's degree.

Occupational Profiles of Graduates With Examples: Graduates can be employed in educational institutions where the Japanese Language is taught as a foreign language, as well as in private or public sectors where Japanese language skills are needed, such as manufacturing, tourism, trading, etc.

Access to Further Studies: Students who successfully complete this undergraduate program may, on their request, progress to graduate programs in Turkey or other countries such as Japan.

Examination Regulations, Assessment, and Grading: For each course taken at COMU, the student is given one of the letter grades below by the instructor as the semester course grade. Each letter grade has also it is an ECTS grade equivalent. The below provides detailed information about the COMU letter grades, ECTS grades and grade points, and percentage equivalents. 

Scores Credits 100 scale COMU Grades 4.00 scale ECTS 
90-100 AA 4.00 A 
85-89 BA 3.50 B 
80-84 BB 3.00 B 
70-79 CB 2.50 C 
60-69 CC 2.00 C 
55-59 DC 1.50 D 
50-54 DD 1.00 E 
40-49 FD 0.50 F 
0-39 FF 0-00 FX 
YE: Satisfactory (S) YS: Unsatisfactory(U) DS: Fail -NA (Minimum attendance requirement not fulfilled) 

Successful Grades: AA, BA, BB, CB, CC, DC, DD, YE Unsuccessful Grades: FD, FF, YS, DS In order for a student to graduate from the program s/he follows, s/he has to pass all the courses, succeed in all the compulsory internship training if there are any and attain sufficient grade in non-credit courses. These students are accepted as SUCCESSFUL students. The GPA of a student is his/her graduation grade point average at the same time.

Graduation Requirements: In order to graduate from this undergraduate program, the students are required; to succeed in all of the courses listed in the curriculum of the program by getting a grade of at least DD/S with a minimum of 240 ECTS. to have a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 2.00 out of 4.00.

Mode of Study: This is a full-time program.

Address, Programme Director: 
Head of Division: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tolga ÖZŞEN E-Mail: ozsencomu.edu.tr Tel: 0286 2171303 
ECTS/DS Coordinator: Lecturer Ahmet GULMEZ E-Mail: agulmezcomu.edu.tr Tel: 0286 2171303