Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi
Japon Dili Eğitimi

Visit from Distinguished Partners

Distinguished guests visited our department to observe teacher training practices and early childhood Japanese language teaching, fostering discussions on future collaborations.

We had the honor of hosting Mr. Kooji Iio, Japanese Language Education Specialist from the Japan Foundation Middle East (Cairo) Office, and Mr. Keisuke Sasaki, Second Secretary of the Embassy of Japan in Ankara. During their visit, our esteemed guests observed the "Teaching Practice" course, where they examined the implementation of internship programs in schools, gaining insights into the multifaceted approach of our Japanese language teacher training model.

Additionally, they visited the ÇOMÜ Kindergarten to observe our early childhood Japanese language teaching project, coordinated by Dr. Esra Kıra. This visit provided an excellent opportunity to showcase the activities of our department. Along with observing classes, they engaged in discussions with faculty members and held meetings with students, enabling a comprehensive introduction to our department’s endeavors.

Furthermore, we explored potential areas of collaboration for the future, ensuring this visit not only strengthened mutual understanding but also paved the way for prospective partnerships.