ア) チャナッカレ・オンセキズ・マルト大学教育学部日本語教育学科(以下、日本語教育学科)の学生からの校正依頼に対応すること。また、教員が一定の倫理的及び教育的枠組みの中で校正行動を実施する際の指針を示すこと。
イ) 教育・学術生産活動(課題、レポート、プレゼンテーション等)を行う際に学問的誠実性の原則内で人工知能(AI)を使用するためのガイドラインを提示すること。
この文書内の「テキスト校正」とは、英語の文献でのproofreadingの概念に相当するものであり、「文書の文法エラーを修正し、テキストを読みやすくするために記述文を確認する作業」(Tauginiene vd.、2018)を指す。テキスト校正手引きの作成に当たっては、Coventry University Group Proof-reading Guidance 2.0 ver.(2020年11月11日)およびUniversity of York Guidance on Proofreading and Editing内の文書を参考にした。
なお、人工知能(AI)利用ガイドラインの作成に当たっては、European Network for Academic Integrity(ENAI)のテクノロジー&学問的誠実性ワーキンググループのメンバーにより執筆されたENAI Recommendations on the ethical use of Artificial Intelligence in Education(Foltýnek vd.、2023)を参考にした。
This set of guidance serves the following purposes:
a) To address the correction requests of students in the Department of Japanese Language Teaching (JLT) at Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University. It also aims to guide instructors in carrying out correction actions within the defined ethical and pedagogical framework.
b) To provide guidance on the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the processes of learning and academic production (assignments, reports, presentations, etc.) within the principles of academic integrity.
This text is the first version and will undergo continuous improvements. All statements in this document are advisory in nature. Where necessary, the relevant laws, regulations and directives are legally binding within the framework of the hierarchy of norms.
The term "proofread" in this document is defined as "Checking of written work to correct grammatical errors and improve readability " (Tauginiene et al., 2018). The Coventry University Group Proofreading Guidance 2.0 (11.11.2020) and the University of York Guidance on Proofreading and Editing were utilized in the preparation of this guidance.
In the preparation of the Guidance for the Ethical Use of Artificial Intelligence in Japanese Language Learning, this work utilized the recommendations outlined in "ENAI Recommendations on the ethical use of Artificial Intelligence in Education" (Foltýnek et al., 2023), authored by a group members of the Technology and Academic Integrity Working Group within The European Network for Academic Integrity (ENAI).
CC Lisans: Japonca-Türkçe-Japonca Metin Düzeltme Kılavuzu & Yapay Zekanın Akademik Etik Çerçevesinde Kullanımına İlişkin Tavsiye Metni © 2023 by Dr. Tolga Özşen is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0